Saturday, December 17, 2005

Cherry Melomel Back in Action

So my cherry melomel is back in fermentation...I added 9 lbs of tart cherries to the fermentor (a LOT) and racked the base mead (specific gravity 1.045, original gravity 1.120) onto it. I've been keeping the temperature at 74 Fahrenheit, approximately, and it has restarted fermentation apparently. This is a brief post, and that's about all I needed to mention. I'm hoping to get the mead down to 1.010 to 1.020, but I would take even a dryer melomel, given that these are tart cherries and should have a nice acidic bite. I tried one, and wow, it made me pucker. A little "flavour bomb" if you will, so I'm excited about this one.

Next month, the blackcurrant mead will be bottled. Now that is one I am excited about.


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